Sunday, September 03, 2006

no title...sorry

How do you stop living in the past?

Shutting out memories is inconceivable…

Trying to face them makes you weak…

Acceptance doesn’t rid you…

Leaving is obsolete….

Nasty memories stalk sanity….

You cannot escape with sleep….

Dreams are vivid reminders…

They bring the dead back..

And make the living dead…

All behind your closed eyelids

In moments of peace

Memories rush at you

Crushing solitude into

A million little pieces

You never feel safe

From those haunting

Bits of time

That devour your soul

Fresh memories never erase

Only make more poignant

Those demonic memories


So the question remains

How do you stop living in the past

Shutting out inconceivable memories

That weakens you

Perhaps ripping your soul to shreds

Propagating your own death

Will finally release you

Into total oblivion


Anonymous said...

I like the turn from "shutting out memories is inconceivable" in the 2nd line to "shutting out inconceivable memories" near the end.

Anonymous said...

I mis-read "ripping your soul" for "ripening your soul" at first- which is a neat image (I think) it for another one, maybe?