Sunday, October 29, 2006

Remember that night

It’s time its time!

Ripping off whole corners

Dissolving on my tongue

The wait is killing me

Then it comes

Swirls of light

Trails with every breathe

Those tortillas chips

Are a bubbling mess

Here come the birds

The sky turned black

I scream “The Birds”

And Josh only laughs

Then we all travel

To that weird place

And upstairs Ben is

Cutting coke in shapes

Soon enough though

I had to go outside

I rocked and I wailed

I’ll be like this forever

Then it was time to

Go home at 6 am

Mr. Officer was I speeding?

Just a seatbelt violation?

Oh how Joe and I laughed

As we pulled away

In that little Subaru

Going to First Street


Anonymous said...

Not to be a buzz-kill, but I hope this didn't happen just recently!!!
Ha ha ha- lovin you!

H. said...

I am afraid not. Back in like 94 or 95. I havent done drugs in god knows how long! NIt it doesnt mena I cannot remember, right? Especially when it just comes flooding back!